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Cochin International Airport Deploys Intelligent Data Center Management Solution

  • Location : Kochi, Kerala
  • Solution : Data Center

Cochin International Airport was planning to setup a Data centre in 2011. They called for a tender and kept a two-bid system to select experienced vendors as the bidder. It was an international bid and was very challenging for us to compete with the world’s top MNC companies.


We were the only company from the south to hold a valid CDCE certification (Certified Data Center Expert) at that point in time.

They asked vendors with three Data Center completion project certificates and the above CDCE certificate to participate in the bid. We could produce the same along with our design brief. They visited our past projects to understand our working methodology and outcomes. This was followed up with technical meetings to get a better understanding of their requirements.

Finally, with our techno commercial competence, the order was awarded to SatDc

The Benefits


Saved time and increased productivity


Improved accuracy and Increased security


Easy management

The Solution

They asked vendors with three Data Center completion project certificates and the above CDCE certificate to participate in the bid. We could produce the same along with our design brief. They visited our past projects to understand our working methodology and outcomes. This was followed up with technical meetings to get a better understanding of their requirements.

What we did.

We provided precision cooling and UPS Power redundancy according to their IT Load. The entire room is covered with a clean agent gas-based fire suppression system. Other critical components like water leak detection systems, rodent repellent systems, smoke detection systems, and environmental monitoring systems have been installed in the Datacenter, which keeps their servers secure and safe.

Since the Airport applications are very important and require operation 24 hours a day, considering their criticality, we powered the Data Center components from two different utility power source

It has been almost 12 years since we commissioned their Data Center; they had many hardware upgrades during these years. With our preventive maintenance team’s regular care and prompt support, the data center is well maintained and running without any issues. We also got awarded a separate order to build a disaster recovery centre 2 kilometres from the Data Center.


Partnered with Rajagiri Hospital to design and construct their Data Centre

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